Ashish Mangalampalli (Research student) is one of the twenty exceptional PhD students from all over the world to have been selected to be part of Yahoo!’s Key Scientific Challenges (KSC) Program, and is the only student from India to receive this award, April 2009

Ashish Mangalampalli (Research student) is one of the twenty exceptional PhD students from all over the world to have been selected to be part of Yahoo!’s Key Scientific Challenges (KSC) Program, and is the only student from India to receive this award, April 2009

IIIT-H team qualified for CanSat 2009, which is a NASA sponsored and American Astronautical Society organized international competition that requires participants to design and build, a micro-satellite, and also the team is one of the 14 teams from around the world to qualify for the finals (June 2009). IIIT-H team built a satellite that was launched and descended to ground sending data to the telemetry system.

IIIT-H team qualified for CanSat 2009, which is a NASA sponsored and American Astronautical Society organized international competition that requires participants to design and build, a micro-satellite, and also the team is one of the 14 teams from around the world to qualify for the finals (June 2009). IIIT-H team built a satellite that was […]