IIIT-H Students Shine At World-Class NLP Conference

As the largest academic centre of speech and language technology in South Asia, the Language Technology Research Centre at IIIT-H carries out pioneering work in the areas of natural language processing, computational linguistics, speech processing, information retrieval through four specialized labs, whose works complement each other. In the area of natural language processing, there is […]
How AI is helping Crowd Control at Mega Melas

It’s a theme that has been rehashed to death by Bollywood: siblings separated at melas. While a happily-ever-after reunion happens in reel, massive, unorganized crowds, pandemonium and panic often leading to stampedes are real. Let’s look at how technology from the Lab for Spatial Informatics at IIIT-H can play a role in providing a solution […]
Serious Games Lab Shows How Power of Belief Helps In Neuro-Rehabilitation

Displaced families, disinterested physiotherapists and a sense of despondency. This is what greeted Prof. Kavita Vemuri when she initially set out to study plasticity of the brain at rehab centres. She found her ‘why’ in the lack of motivation witnessed in stroke patients there and thus began the Serious Gaming lab at IIIT-H. Read on […]
This Research Team Shows How ML Knowledge is Power

First Indian presence at simulated power trading competition; walks away with 2nd place What happens when machine learning algorithms, game theory and smart electricity markets come together? A IIIT-H team led by Dr. Praveen Paruchuri, Dr. Sujit Gujar, and Dual Degree student Susobhan Ghosh in collaboration with scientists from TCS Research and Innovation, Dr. Sanjay […]
Take a Trip Down History Lane With Your Own Choice Of Stories

For those who love soaking in history and enjoy an unhurried pace through ruins and monuments, an audio guide seems to be the preferred choice. Europe-bound travellers, hard-pressed for time yet desperate to tick off the must-sees from their list of museums, castles, amphitheatres and palaces, prefer popular (and free!) audio tour guides such as […]
V-Labs – LEADing from behind: The march towards digital scientific education

For those clamouring to intern on open source projects, look no further. Here at IIIT-H lies an opportunity to contribute to and maintain a world-class learning platform for students. Read on to learn how IIIT-H is not only one of the 12 technological institutes across India, that is part of the virtual labs initiative of […]
Detecting The Fakes In Online Misinformation

Fake news (feik nju:z)noun: false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting. In 2017, Harper Collins named fake news as the “word of the year” beating other short-listed words, equally influenced by Politics. Not only was this term consistently in the news, it seemed to be the most favoured word appearing on […]
Best Paper Award for Using Deep Learning In Retrieval And Recognition of Handwritten Word Images

Simplistically put, Document Analysis is about trying to extract content from a scanned document image so that it is easily editable and searchable. While the currently popular Optical Character Recognition software gives almost 100% accuracy for recognizing scanned and printed Latin text, the approach doesn’t work very well with scanned handwritten (HW) Latin text, due […]
Information and The Art of Relevant Retrieval

Who amongst us is not guilty of doing a quick internet search in the midst of an argument to prove a point? Or which millennial parent has not resorted to the Internet to answer their child’s queries? Simplistically put, such a process through which relevant answers are fetched for us is essentially known as Information […]
Lab to Land: Challenges & Approaches to Productizing Research

With the world today being driven by intellectual property and deep technology, there’s an increased and immediate need for getting research evidence into policy and practice – basically getting research adopted by the Industry, startups, new products et al. The importance of getting research used by the stakeholders in leveraging the new technology towards higher […]