Detecting The Fakes In Online Misinformation

Fake news (feik nju:z)noun: false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting. In 2017, Harper Collins named fake news as the “word of the year” beating other short-listed words, equally influenced by Politics. Not only was this term consistently in the news, it seemed to be the most favoured word appearing on […]

Civil Services Calling: Meet IIIT-H Alumni Who Topped The 2018 Exam

Indian students are no strangers to competitive examinations with the mantra of ‘No Pain, No Gain’ ingrained in our DNA. With the announcement of the 2018 toppers of the Union Public Service Commission exam (UPSC), we have reason to do the happy dance. Making the institute proud are two of our alumni, Madhuri Gaddam, from […]

Lab to Land: Challenges & Approaches to Productizing Research

With the world today being driven by intellectual property and deep technology, there’s an increased and immediate need for getting research evidence into policy and practice – basically getting research adopted by the Industry, startups, new products et al. The importance of getting research used by the stakeholders in leveraging the new technology towards higher […]

TooWeakTooSlow in ACM-ICPC Finals

Participating in and representing India in the finals of World programming contests is second nature for the students at IIIT-Hyderabad. This year has been no exception with the team TooWeakTooSlow topping the regional finals of the ACM-ICPC (Association of Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest) to represent India at the 2018 ACM-ICPC World Finals. The […]

Art at IIIT-Hyderabad: More Than Just A Hobby

Painted benches. Murals. Sculptures. Installations and more. If you thought all this had to do with IIIT-Hyderabad’s annual cultural fest, Felicity, or was related to an event on campus, you couldn’t be more wrong. Turns out it’s all in a day’s work for the first year UG students at IIITH. From the next academic year, […]

Dial M for Mental Health

According to data obtained from WHO, “more than 1 in 4 people will develop a mental health issue at some point in their lives”. The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010), estimated that a substantial proportion of the world’s disease burden came from mental, neurological and substance use disorders. Other studies have shown […]

Vijay – The III(Tea) Guy

For most of the faculty and staff at IIIT-Hyderabad, the typical day does not get a shot in the arm until Vijay pops in, asking cheerfully if they want tea or coffee. And it has been this way since 2006. “Only 5 days leave in about (every) 5 years, “ he says with a chuckle. […]

The Highs and Lows of Academic Institutional Rankings

Ranking of educational institutions is popular today. Publications like Outlook, India Today, Dataquest etc., have been doing it for over a decade, primarily aimed at admissions into the bachelors programs. Times Higher Eduction, QS, and Shanghai rank international universities and other academic institutions, with strong emphasis on their research impact and international presence. It’s a given […]

To E(CE) or not to….

Before you start googling in right earnest for the placement opportunities available for the ECE stream at IIIT-H, there are a few interesting bits you should know about IIIT-H. It’s what sets this institute apart from the rest of the traditional educational institutions. Research Centres Not Departments For instance, did you know that there is […]

Quality Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is a distributed sourcing and computing model where individuals or organizations leverage the crowd’s intelligence towards solving problems, or getting new services or ideas. Although, this is an quick, inexpensive and effective method to get answers to tasks that are difficult for the computer but easy for human beings to answer; quality of responses […]