Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, Center for Security, Theory & Algorithmic Research CSTAR), was appointed as an Editor for the KSII Transactionson Internet and Information Systems.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Das, Center for Security, Theory & Algorithmic Research CSTAR), was appointed as an Editor for the KSII Transactionson Internet and Information Systems.
Dr. P. Ubaidulla, Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC)<br> – elected to IEEE Senior Member Grade.<br> – awarded Young Faculty Award as part of Vivesvaraya PhD scheme supported by DietY.
Dr. P. Ubaidulla, Signal Processing and Communications Research Center (SPCRC) – elected to IEEE Senior Member Grade. – awarded Young Faculty Award as part of Vivesvaraya PhD scheme supported by DietY.
Prof. Jayanthi Sivaswamy, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) was appointed a Member of Research Advisory Council of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology.
Prof. Jayanthi Sivaswamy, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT) was appointed a Member of Research Advisory Council of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology.
Dr. Supriya Mohanty, Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), Dr. Vinod Palakkad, Dr. Prasad Krishnan, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) and Dr. Rahul Shrestha have received the Early Career Research Award from the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology.
Dr. Supriya Mohanty, Dr. Sachin Chaudhari, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC), Dr. Vinod Palakkad, Dr. Prasad Krishnan, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC) and Dr. Rahul Shrestha have received the Early Career Research Award from the Science and Engineering Research Board, Department of Science and Technology.
Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC); Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) won Young Scientist Research Award, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST.
Dr. Anil Kumar Vuppala, Signal Processing and Communication Research Center (SPCRC); Language Technologies Research Centre (LTRC) won Young Scientist Research Award, Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), DST.
Prof. Nand Kishore Acharya, Center of Exact Humanities (CEH) was awarded the prestigious Kendriya Sangeet Natak Academy Award for his contribution to playwriting.
Prof. Nand Kishore Acharya, Center of Exact Humanities (CEH) was awarded the prestigious Kendriya Sangeet Natak Academy Award for his contribution to playwriting.
Prof. Ramesh Loganathan, Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) received the Telangana State Award for championing the cause of start-ups.
Prof. Ramesh Loganathan, Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) received the Telangana State Award for championing the cause of start-ups.
Prof. C. V. Jawahar, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT)
Prof. C. V. Jawahar, Center for Visual Information Technology (CVIT)
received the IAPR Fellowship in December 2016 at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
received the IAPR Fellowship in December 2016 at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
Amazon Chair Professor for a period of five years starting from July 2016.
Amazon Chair Professor for a period of five years starting from July 2016.