Can Meditation Help Slow Down Alzheimer’s Disease?

A new study by IIITH and the Neurology Department, Apollo Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata that was published in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience suggests so.   The ‘Keep Calm and X’ phrase may well have originated as a World War II – era British inspirational public message but early evidence gained by Indian researchers suggests there’s […]

IIITH Prof Authors World’s First Ready Reckoner On Flexible Electronics

Ever wondered how a block of aluminium is stiff and unyielding while the same material can be malleable when rolled out as aluminium foil? Or how the bark of a tree is hard while paper is supple despite being made up of the same cellular fibre? Answers to these and more can be found in […]

IIITH Contributes To One-Of-Its-Kind Dataset on First-Person Computer Vision

IIITH is the only Indian institute in the global consortium of 13 universities and labs participating in Facebook AI’s ambitious Ego4D project that promises to enable experiences straight out of sci-fi. The “have-I-added-salt-or-not?’ memory lapse while cooking is all too familiar. But it seems that an AI-aid for such inattention will soon be at hand. […]

A Course That Straddles Engineering And Management

If you are an early or mid-career IT professional looking to know more about product management or someone toying with the idea of a start-up, here’s a thoughtfully curated postgraduate degree program for you!   A product or solution that ticks the right boxes for a market requires a delicate balance of architectural as well as […]

How IIITH’s AI initiative Is Driving Safe RASTE

Indian road safety got a shot in its arm with the recent unveiling of an AI solution that uses sensors and predictive analytics to warn of collisions even before they occur. The project titled iRASTE – Intelligent Solutions for Road Safety through Technology and Engineering  – was launched in Nagpur by the Union Minister of […]

IIITH Scientists Design Novel Way Of Performing Quantum Chemistry Calculations 

The new method helps to predict the molecular properties and model chemical reactions.  In groundbreaking research titled ‘Quantum Chemistry Calculations Using Energy Derivatives on Quantum Computers’ that was recently featured in the ‘NISQ Computing Newsletter’ by the USRA Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, IIITH researcher Utkarsh Azad under the guidance of Prof. Harjinder Singh […]

A Simple Blockchain-based Solution For India’s Dance of Democracy

IIITH researchers propose a novel cryptographic method of polling that not only meets all the required criteria of a fair and secure electoral process but is also geared for large democracies. Thanks to the success of Bitcoin, blockchain’s early use case was primarily of conducting financial transactions. It is now well recognised though that any […]

Banking On Data: Tech Tales From The TiH Data Centre

An online testing solution to assess the cognitive impact of Covid-19; an autonomous driving platform with high-performance computing capability, a portable screening tool for early cancer detection; a mobile traffic-challan generating system – these are a few of the applied research prototypes from the data collection efforts of the Technology Innovation Hub housed at the […]

IIITH Devises Patent Pending IoT Solution For Asset Tracking

Researchers from the Processes Architecture and Technologies Research in IoT (PATRIoT) lab at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIITH) have developed a novel localization approach that is GPS-free and uses LoRaWAN technology.  The next time you misplace something and kick yourself for being forgetful, a nifty low-cost tool to help you locate it […]