Academic Programmes
The B.Tech. programme aims to provide core concepts and skills in the broad areas of engineering, sciences, mathematics and humanities, supported by practicums. The practicums are intended to give students a first-hand understanding of leveraging their initial breadth (and skills) in programme and applying it to develop solutions for real-life problems. Students also learn next level concepts and do course projects by enrolling in advanced courses for two years, and to pursue a chosen specialization, or to broaden knowledge and in their programme of study.
A unique feature of IIIT-H’s B.Tech. programme is the strong encouragement and abundance of opportunities it provides students to do research. As a result a large number undergraduate students have published in prestigious journals, and top national and international conferences. B.Tech. is offered in the following areas:
The aim of M.Tech. programme, is to help graduates and working professionals enhance their professional qualifications and career prospects. This programme imparts solid foundation followed by advanced knowledge in one or more specialized areas. M.Tech. is offered in the following areas:
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer Science and Information Security
- Product Design and Management
- VLSI and Computer Engineering –This programme is currently not being offered.
- Computer Aided Structural Engineering
- Bioinformatics – Admissions are suspended from 2020.
- Computational Linguistics –This programme is currently not being offered.
Ph.D. is a research programme with emphasis on the dissertation work. To ensure the necessary depth and breadth in the area chosen for research, students are required to do course work and clear the qualifiers. Typically students plan their Ph.D. study based on their background and in consultation with their programme chair. Upon clearing the requirements and the acceptance of their research proposal, the student works on the thesis, and its successful defense leads to the degree. Ph.D. is being offered in the following disciplines:
Master of Science is a research-oriented Masters’ programme, normally lasting two years and culminates in a thesis defense. Students can take advanced courses in the chosen area of specialization and devote a year or more towards research.
Master of Science is being offered in the following disciplines:
The aim of this programme is to provide an understanding of natural language to the students with humanities and social science background from a computational perspective. It prepares them to understand computational models and how natural language data can be prepared or analyzed while building systems. The programme is specially designed for linguists, language scholars, Sanskrit scholars and the likes. Students with a science or mathematics background and with a strong interest in the analytical or computational study of language too can pursue this program.
Dual Degree programme (B.Tech. and Master of Science)
Dual Degree option enables students to acquire two degrees – B.Tech. (Honours) and Master of Science by successfully defending Master of Science thesis. The normal duration for dual degree programme is five years. The students undertake extra courses and specialization during their first four years of study to get ready and do Master of Science thesis in their fifth year. This Programme is offered in the following streams:-
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CSE and Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in ECE and Master of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech in Civil Engineering and Master of Science in Building Science and Engineering (BSE) (Admissions are suspended since 2016)
Trans-disciplinary dual degree programmes give B.Tech in computer science followed by Master of Science in one of the domain areas. This programme allows students to pursue new areas along with a strong computational background. Major breakthroughs in research are likely to come from such trans-disciplinary research. This Programme is offered in the following streams:-
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CS and Master of Science in Computational Natural Sciences (CNS)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CS and Master of Science in Computational Linguistics (CL)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CS and Master of Science in Exact Humanities (EH) (Admissions are suspended since 2016)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CS and Master of Science in Computing and Human Sciences (CHS)
Lateral Entry is offered to students who have completed two years of B.E. or B.Tech in CSE/IT/ECE from any Institute or College. This programme is very helpful for students who are highly motivated and research oriented. This programme is for four years. After taking courses in first year the students join the regular Dual Degree programme. This Programme is offered in the following streams:-
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in CSE and Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Dual-degree Programme leading to B.Tech. in ECE and Master of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
The aim of this programme is to help professionals interested in acquiring new knowledge in chosen areas without regard to any degree. Interested people can enroll in the P.G. programmes on a part-time basis. They are recommended to initially join through the institute’sP.G. Student Status Programme (PGSSP).
School of Multi-disciplinary Computing
To be recognized as a globally reputed school by offering innovative academic programs and specializations in core computing, computing technologies, and computing in association with multiple disciplines, at all levels (UG, PG, Ph.D.) with state-of-the-art curricula, by promoting quality research in thrust areas, and blending research outcomes into teaching programs.
- To produce competent next-generation technology leaders, who can apply the science and engineering of computing to add immense value to their profession.
- To implement a state-of-the-art curriculum in all the academic programs in line with the multidisciplinary societal and technological needs and encourage students to imbibe creativity, research, problem-solving skills, professional ethics, and human values.
- To design and execute innovative multidisciplinary academic programs, specializations, and courses that combine computing and other domains organically, by involving all the stakeholders such as students, teachers, research scholars, experts from industry, academia, and alumni.
- To conduct quality research in fundamental, applied, multidisciplinary, and futuristic domains and become a key player in the educational ecosystem within the country and abroad.
- To create and sustain a strong suite of academic outreach programs catering to varied segments such as industry professionals, external students, and early career researchers.
- To collaborate with other reputed institutions in India and abroad and implement best practices to achieve excellence.