MS in Computational Natural
Sciences by Research

About the Program

This is a research driven masters program meant for candidates with an exceptional background in basic sciences. It will provide advanced training in theoretical and computational natural sciences. The duration of the course may extend beyond 2 yrs. Based on the decision of the academic committee, some of the core courses prescribed for the Post B.Sc. Dual degree program may be waived for MS by research students, depending on their background. They must however fulfill the minimum credit requirements for electives and thesis respectively.

Course Duration

Around 2 years. One year (2 semesters) of course work followed by thesis work.


Master's degree in Physics, Chemistry, Maths or other areas of fundamental science or BTech in CS / IT / Biotech / Bioinformatic


Admissions are mainly through Post Graduate Entrance Examiniation conductued some time between Feburary and April every academic year. Visit

Curriculum (Semester-wise)

MS by Research Bioinformatics Curriculum

Set A (Core)

  • Advanced Biomolecular Architecture (for Phys students)
  • Classical Mechanics+Quantum Mechanics I (for chem students)
  • Introduction to Biology+ Biostatistics+ Bioinformatics
  • Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

Set B (Core)

  • Mathematics for scientists and numerical methods
  • Computer Programming
  • IT Workshop (Post Graduate Level)

Set A (Core)

  • Introduction to Bioinformatics
  • Quantum Mechanics II

Set B (Core)

  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Computer Organization

Outside science (Core)

  • Humanities + creative assignment
  • Module on technical writing* 1

Set A (Optional)

  • Any one from the list provided at the end

Set B (Optional)

  • Any one of the courses offered by CS and allied faculty

Summer Project

Set A (Core)

  • Nonlinear Dynamics & Systems Biology
  • Lab course in Computational Natural Sciences
  • Biomolecular Structure Interactions and Dynamics

Set B (Core)

  • Operating Systems

Set A (Optional)

  • Any one from the list provided at the end

Set B (Optional)

  • Any one of the courses offered by CS and allied faculty

Seminars and Research project (9 credits)

Scheme I

  • One Set A Elective course + one course offered by a CS or allied faculty
  • Project (18 Credits)

Scheme II Project (24 Credits)

  • Elective science courses (set A) These will be offered depending on the availability of faculty and interest of students
  • Special topics in chemical physics/ Laser Physics
  • Frontiers in nonlinear dynamics
  • Science of Quantum Computing
  • Non-equilibrium thermodynamics; nonlinear dynamics; nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics (including stochastic processes)
  • Nano-technology and physics of nano-bio systems
  • Physics of advanced materials
  • Advanced Structural bioinformatics
  • Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Advanced Bioinformatics Researh projects in computational biology, etc.

