Maheshwari Himanshu and Bhavyajeet Singh working under the supervision of Prof. Vasudeva Varma participated in a 3C shared task at Second Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing @ NAACL 2021. The shared task focuses on classifying citation context in research publications based on their influence and purpose. It consisted of two subtasks. The model proposed by Maheshwari Himanshu and Bhavyajeet Singh was ranked number 1 for Subtask A and their macro F1 score was 0.26973. For Subtask B they were ranked number 2 and their macro F1 score is 0.59071 which is very close to the top team’s macro F1 score 0.60025.

Maheshwari Himanshu and Bhavyajeet Singh working under the supervision of Prof. Vasudeva Varma participated in a 3C shared task at Second Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing @ NAACL 2021. The shared task focuses on classifying citation context in research publications based on their influence and purpose. It consisted of two subtasks. The model proposed by Maheshwari Himanshu and Bhavyajeet Singh was ranked number 1 for Subtask A and their macro F1 score was 0.26973. For Subtask B they were ranked number 2 and their macro F1 score is 0.59071 which is very close to the top team’s macro F1 score 0.60025.